Facing certain death, Paul Zucarelli came to witness the heavenly realm and now lives to provide testimony and witness to the Living Jesus Christ

Near-Death Experience - Man is Given a Glimpse of Heaven

Paul Books


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There are few speakers that can so powerfully engage an audience with witness and faith. Paul is one of those speakers. His story is one of the most powerful stories I've ever heard. The Holy Spirit is alive in him!

Paul will leave your audience in awe at the power and love of God!

Jon Leonetti Catholic Speaker and Author
Jon Leonetti, Catholic Speaker and Author

I hope that Paul’s story encourages you to experience the reality of God’s love and to welcome Him as the Lord of your life.  Paul witnesses that God takes even our greatest difficulties and uses them to draw us closer to Him.  I rejoice that Paul’s close brush with death has become a fruitful means of Evangelization.  Paul’s story has touched my heart, and I hope it touches yours as well.”

Bishop Olmsted Studio
Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted

In the midst of a culture questioning God’s existence, Paul’s miraculous healing by the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday manifests God's power and love alive and working today. Paul’s story is a testament to the power of faith in action. It proves that prayer makes a difference. “Doubt no longer but believe (John 20:27)." Let your faith arise as you read this story of God at work to transform lives and manifest His kingdom in the 21st century."

Antony Headshot Nov 2018
Father Antony Tinker, F.H.S.

Have you ever wondered whether, outside of the Scriptural accounts, dead persons have ever really been raised to life again? Doubt no more, Paul Zucarelli is a modern-day walking talking miracle. He died and came back to life after 2 hours, not in Jerusalem, but in Phoenix Arizona. This is a matter of public record. His testimony will reinvigorate your soul with faith, hope and love. Paul's story reminds me of the scripture that says: "Why should it be thought a thing incredible, that God should raise the dead" (Acts 26:8). Paul's story is proof positive that 'God is not dead'... just ask Paul."

Jesse Romero Image
Jesse Romero MA, Catholic Lay Evangelist 
Archbishop Aquila Letter To Paul Zucarelli


Image of Paul
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I will tell of the works of the Lord
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